WrestleMania VII

The Texas Tornado vs. Dino Bravo
The level of tragedy here is almost beyond words. Both men’s WWF careers were approaching an end. Bravo hung around for about a year but generally only worked on house shows and such. He retired in 1992 but was shot to death in 1993. This was due to his involvement in cigarette smuggling. A sad end for the world’s strongest man. Kerry von Erich’s story is even worse. He would continue with the WWF into 1992, but not on the same level as his previous IC title push. He’d leave in mid ’92 before going to the USWA and Global. He had drug issues and was likely to do prison time for forging prescriptions. Knowing the end was near, he shot himself in early 1993. So two years after this match, both participants would be dead from gunshot wounds. This match is terrible, as Bravo’s better days were behind him. He’s really slow and just goes through the motions. Opposite him, Kerry isn’t much better. He’s sloppy as hell. Kerry takes it with the Tornado Punch.
Final Rating: DUD

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